Our industry typically has a lot of discussion surrounding what type of “green features” residents want in their homes, and more specifically, how much they are willing to pay for these features. While the verdict may still somewhat be out on how much renters will actually pay for any given “green feature”, there are some…
Tag: multihousing industry

Wow! Check out West Village
Although I indicated that I would discuss the characteristics of my Icon buildings this entry, I am going to switch gears and talk about an existing project that I just had the great fortune to tour last week. West Village, in Davis California, is the largest NZE Multifamily project in the Nation. It has over…

The Future of Nuclear Power is Still Up for Grabs
You might not want to believe this but nuclear power is the United State’s largest source of clean carbon-free electricity. That’s why the nuclear industry was upset that the Supreme Court stayed the Clean Power Plan. They felt that nuclear power was going to be a larger part of the solution based on the carbon…

Multifamily Property Landscaping – Friend or Foe?
As an environmental and sustainability enthusiast and operator of multifamily assets, you probably have a good pulse on efforts you can make at your communities to increase efficiency and make them more “green.” However, have you paid much attention lately to your landscaping company? Are they truly your partner in running the most efficient and…