If you have properties in California, this blog is for you! California state legislature requires that we are providing composting to our residents at all Apartment complexes. Although we have to provide composting, there are not a lot of best practices out there for us. In the spirit of collaboration, here is my list great things you can do:
- Have your compost picked up weekly. Let’s face it; fermenting food waste is a smelly affair. Best to dump in regularly
- Put your compost bin in the same enclosure every time. If you have residents who are excited about sorting their vegetables out of their trash, don’t make those poor folks run all over your property to find the compost bin. Although this may sound basic, it does involve coordinating with your team to ensure that they put it away every time.
- Communicate with your residents what can and cannot go into the compost bin. If you don’t tell them, they will guess. Guessing increases your potential for contamination.Oil
Find out if your residents can use bags. Some cities allow for bags in the composting and some do not. If you CAN use bags, I recommend them. Bags will reduce your odor issues.